
We are engaged in various businesses centered on automotive and medical related businesses.

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Medical / Pharmaceutical related / Health food / Cosmetics Business

We have a contract as a Japanese subsidiary of the Stamm Group (STM Biological), which has the most advanced international technology in regenerative medicine in Tianjin, China. We also have many alliances with major Chinese medical and pharmaceutical manufacturers, and we support the provision of cutting-edge regenerative medicine including medical / pharmaceutical-related, health foods, cosmetics, etc. in both Japan and China, as well as joint cooperation with medical-related companies.

Stamm Group (STM Biological)

・ Tianjin Hedong Stamm Hospital
・ Tianjin Biotechnology Research
・ Tianjin Cell Engineering Technology

Automotive Business

We provide a wide range of services in the automotive industry, from planning, organizing and managing events to matching and representing the products of our partners.
We have a business alliance with the Wheel Committee of the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers, and provide support for joint ventures between Japanese and Chinese companies, import/export of products and services, support for opening stalls at automobile-related events in Japan, and assistance for Japanese companies entering the Chinese market and measures against intellectual property infringement.
In addition to our creative business, we offer a one-stop service for web, event, and product sales.

China Association of Automobile Manufacturers(CAAM)

The China Association of Automobile Manufacturers (CAAM), established in May 1987, is an incorporated association authorized by the Ministry of Civil Affairs of the People's Republic of China.
It aims to provide interactive services to the government and the industry in order to implement national policy policies, expand the interests of the entire industry, and promote the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers.
Currently, it has about 2,700 member companies, which includes nearly 100 automobile manufacturers.


China Association of Automobile Manufacturers (CAAM) Wheel Committee

Wheel Committee, established in 1992, is a branch organization affiliated with the CAAM.
The members consist of business units of enterprises engaged in R&D, manufacturing, sales, testing and inspection of automotive wheel products among the member companies of China Association of Automobile Manufacturers, and enterprises engaged in related industries such as manufacturing of wheel-related products, wheel-specific materials and wheel-specific equipment.

Consulting Business

Our main focus is on analyzing current operations and proposing specific improvements, and we propose optimal solutions that respect the unique values of each region while introducing the latest technology from a global perspective. We provide optimal solutions based on the results of our research and analysis, ranging from proposals for immediate improvements to drastic restructuring.

Creative Business

We offer a full range of services from web production and renewal in general, from standardization and planning to production and operation, and from design to printing of business cards, pamphlets, DTP, etc.
In addition to our consulting business, we also offer video, publishing, advertising and other services with the primary goal of achieving our partners' objectives.

Import, export, and trading Business

We provide a wide range of services from purchasing products to overseas sales, supporting export and import with companies from all over the world, exporting products on behalf of our partners, and building sales networks in countries around the world.
We also help domestic companies to expand their business overseas and foreign companies to expand their business in Japan.

Japan-China Joint Business

Through our strong connections with the local and central governments in China, we can assist Japanese companies in joint ventures with Chinese companies, the importation of goods and services, and the expansion of Japanese companies into China and the prevention of intellectual property infringement.